I discussed in the previous post. What you need to know about gluten (Part 1) about gluten, celiac disease, gluten sensitivity and when you should go for gluten free diet, in this post I’ll talk about the gluten free diet.
Gluten free diet
Is a treatment for celiac disease and gluten sensitivity, this means that you should eliminate all sources of gluten from your diet which is exist in many staple food, you may feel this will be like a punishment or even very depriving diet, but the good news is that you are already eat a lot of food which is naturally-free, and you can always explore more food items to include in your diet.
Gluten-free Natural food:
These are food items that are naturally free of gluten: Fresh Meat and poultry, fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, legumes and seeds, and fats & oils
Food containing gluten

- Wheat and everything made from wheat like flour, pasta, noodles, bulgar , semolina, bread, cake, pies, candies, pancakes, waffles, breaded mix products, bread crumbs, crackers and pretzels, cookies, doughnuts, pies and pastries ..etc.
- Wheat varieties such as Spelt & Kamut and triticale (a cross between wheat and rye).
- Barley.
- Rye.
Hidden Sources of gluten:
Some food that normally didn’t contain gluten but manufactures adds gluten because it works like stabilizing and thickening agent, these are some of them:
- Soy sauce
- Ketchup
- Marinades
- Mustards (maybe contain undistilled vinegar)
- White pepper and dry mustard (they have gluten to prevent caking)
- Vinegars (white one must be distilled, malt vinegars should be avoided)
- Gravies & Sauces made with flour, some fries especially the one that made in restaurants.
- Chocolate sauces, fruit pie fillings (maybe contain starch).
- Non-food products like Medications and vitamin supplements, stamps , glue, envelope, spray starch and also its exists in some cosmetics and hair products
- Malt flavorings & colors like caramel color are often made from barley malt, maltodextrin sugars, could be made from wheat.
Cross contamination
This happens when some products manufactured in places may interfere with wheat or any other gluten sources like oats, I advise you to choose the oat that is labeled gluten- free, also using toaster for wheat bread and gluten free bread one of the major cross contamination, utensil and working surface should be cleaned thoroughly when using gluten products, makeup, soaps, shampoos, and hair products contain gluten that you will not ingest, but they will be in air or on your skin, so you may touch your mouth or nose so it will inter your body.
Dining out with gluten free diets
Preferably go for restaurants that serve gluten-free dishes, if you want to choose an item on menu that not labeled gluten-free, asks the waiter about the cross contamination possibilities (usage of utensil, deep fryers, and toasters) and ask if they use any packaged mix for your meals or any ready to use marinades and sauces.
Can (CD) or gluten sensitivity ruin your life?
Unfortunately, there is no cure till now for celiac disease and gluten sensitivity, the only current treatment is eliminating gluten from your diet, being diagnosed with (CD) or (GS) doesn’t mean the end of the world, I know it’s easy to say this when you are not sick, but this is a life-time challenge, and you should try to accept it. As a dietitian, I advise you to do the following:
- Limit the intake of processed food, because it has many flavorings and additives or stabilizing or thickening agent that may derive from wheat or its derivatives so it’s not safe unless it’s as labeled gluten- free products.
- Support yourself with friends and family, look for community support group.
- Seek help from registered dietitian so it will help you choose food items.
- Educate yourself and read about latest researches about gluten.
- look for recipes so you don’t feel bored of same recipes (preferably RD blogs &websites
- Avoid cross contamination
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