I’v started a series called Confessions of a Nutritionist . In today’s post, my thoughts maybe messy,and unconnected. But I hope that you can feel them, because they are real.
Cancer, who are you exactly?
When I was in college, I had to choose a subject for a term paper, for a class called “nutrition and modern diseases” . I chose cancer. More specifically, Colon Cancer. A relative was suffering from it, and we were hit by the news. There were lots of studies that time about fibers, and it’s role in cancer. Whether its’ a treatment, or prevention for cancer, especially the colon.
What really makes me hanging to nutrition, is Cancer. But I’m not here to tell you what to eat, and what not eat. Because, even we know that eating fruits, and vegetables, less red meat,and exercising would reduce the risk of it. But not all cases of cancers are related to nutrition. It’s frustrating to know that many people are living perfectly healthy, yet they have cancer. Is it exposure to chemicals? Pollution? What causes mutations in cells?
It’s annoying, and unfair. I believe in faith, but cancer is a little monster. It’s so painful to watch someone slowly melting down, until he/she is completely done. its like going to a prison not getting way out of it.

I don’t want to be so dramatic, because cancer now is much more curable than ever before. . I blogged about lycopene, it can be part of treatment not just prevention. Also Sulforphane in broccoli . But more research is needed
I lost people, because of cancer. It was unbearable. And I do have relatives that are receiving treatment, or still in remission.
I had my training (kind of internship) in advanced cancer center. The experience was horrible.
But, it was an eye opener. No guarantees for life, even for a healthy body. And life can be pretty hard on some people. And we have to accept that! Because, literally there is nothing we can do to stop death. What I regret the most, that I didn’t get the most of it (career wise). I was a fresh graduate, and wasn’t really interested in knowing how to heal cancer, or make it less worse. I just needed a certificate, definitely disappointed with myself.
It was so hard seeing people dying. The ones, that you have talked to them yesterday, or the day before, and maybe you have chatted for months. Then the next day ,, you won’t see their names on the diet list.
They are gone, where exactly I don’t know! Hopefully, its heaven, or at least a better place, where cancer has no place to live.
I cried more than once, it was so hard to deal with. I couldn’t go to hospice section, it was painful to watch. And in any way, most of the patients weren’t able to eat. The nutrition department though, was working day, and night. They were so good and patients with the in-patients.
Did you watch breaking bad show?
I did watch it with all my senses. I was thinking so much, what if Walter should have stick to his decisions of not receiving a treatment? I was thinking was it selfish, or not when he decided not to get any treatment?
And whether our decisions in life made to please others? Or to satisfy our inner desires, and egos? Whether it’s okay religiously if you deny treatment, and help?
This is should not be the way of thinking for someone who studied science (Me).
Medicine is nourishing everyday, so why neglecting a treatment where the stakes are very high now for a cure for many cancers. But here is a very interesting point from a professor he worked in cancer center to find a cure. I think he lost his optimism, and now thinking of controlling cancer cells instead of finding a cure. And here are 10 myths debunked about cancer .

So there is hope, but sometimes I just can’t feel it . I can’t see it. I hope cancer won’t find a way to get into bodies of my loved ones.
What about you? Have you lost a loved one because of cancer? Do you agree that a cancer patient should receive a treatment, no matter what?