A refreshing appetizer of labneh with mint pesto, that is tart, and subtly sweet! It’s fulfilling, nutritious, and lips smacking!

It has been a while since I babbled about my life, my husband just left on a long tip over to New Zealand, to see if we can build our future there. I was feeling down and very emotional, just the thought of being him away, would make my stomach hurts, and would feel a dizzy. And above all of that, I caught a horrible flu. So I nearly lost my appetite for good! It was hard to create recipes of course!
I managed to make some recipes, before he left. Unfortunately he took the professional camera with him *sigh* he is a portrait photographer. Well you should know that lower quality photos, does not mean in any way bland or boring food at all! Just pray for me to stay strong, with an active toddler! I hope I will !
I almost eat labneh everyday, If you don’t know it, it’s a fermented yogurt spread, that is full of probiotics, and protein! I just needed to spice it a bit, and made it more fulfilling. Now I’m really looking for easy quick recipes that are flavorful, and healthy. This appetizer is fulfilling for a light lunch, breakfast or brunch, you name it! The mint pesto gives it a hint of spiciness, tartness, and pomegranate gives it a slight sweet flavor, and with a drizzle of olive oil, a pita bread on the side, and you got a perfect healthy meal!
If you can’t find labneh around, you can just make it yourself! It’s really easy, here is how you can do it!
A fresh herb that has many species like peppermint, and spearmint. You can use it for savory and sweet dishes as well. It gives a great aroma and flavor that is subtly sweet and spicy to any dish. It’s very healthy, and has trace amounts of vitamins and minerals.
Why do you need to eat more mint:
- lt has high antioxidant activity, also it’s antimicrobial and anti-tumor, and can work as anti-allergic too.
- It helps in indigestion, flatulence, and gases.
- A natural breath freshener.
I don’t really buy fresh mint very often, and I always regret that. It easily blackened, and I hate that! You can dry it, a very convenient way to preserve it, but I prefer to buy it fresh occasionally, and use whole leaves for tea, smoothie, a vegetable salad, and with labneh of course!
Let me tell you a truth, I love the look of it, but always thought it’s a hassle to eat, and often not really sweet! But I’ve changed my mind when I had a big one last week! It was full of seeds, has a vibrant red color and very sweet, just I like everything to be! I need to talk more about it in the future recipes!

This mint pesto is strong in garlic flavor, If you wish for a milder garlic flavor, use only one piece.
labneh with mint pesto and pomegranate