While I was browsing the latest nutrition news, there was a quiz (a fun one) I took. Thankfully, it was so easy for me. One question was about lycopene, and I answered it correctly. And then it him me,I remembered the good times in college, were my last paper was on lycopene, and cancer. I was so enthusiastic to know more about research, and I thought I will work in this field too! So let’s talk about lycopene!

What is lycopene
It is an antioxidant from the carotenoids family,that is naturally found in fruits, and vegetables that are red, and orange color. It has a pigment that gives the red color. And its fat-soluble compound, that means its better to consume it with some fat for better absorption results.
Where you can find it
Tomato has the highest amount, when it’s cooked. Especially tomato puree, tomato sauce and ketchup. Raw one has good amounts too. Other food sources are watermelon, guava, pink grapefruit, apricot, carrot, and mango with less amounts. Try This carrot sweet potato soup , and this mango stew to boost your lycopene intake.
Why its important for us (Especially Men)
It has so much benefits, but most of them still under research. but here are the more conclusive ones:
Prostate cancer: Many studies done in the past like this one shows that consuming lycopene reduce the risk of prostate cancer in non smokers men. Now researchers focuses not only on prevention, but treatment too. Here researchers found that Lycopene can be a part of treatment of prostate cancer . It also can affect the growth of cancer cells.
Heart diseases: It reduces the risk of heart diseases in general. According to medical news today lycopene can be beneficial also for treatment of patients with heart diseases.
Ovarian cancer : This meta-analysis of multiple studies shows a potential role of lycopene in the prevention of ovarian cancer in postmenopausal women.
Male infertility: This study found that lycopene may be a future strategy in the treatment of men infertility.
Stroke: This Finnish study found that lycopene can protect us from stroke.
Supplement or whole food
Remember “lycopene supplement” that you can find in the counter is not regulated by the FDA. Therefore if you take it, its you own responsibility. And according to Mayo clinic there are some side effects of these supplements, to mention a few: Anorexia, diarrhea, chest pain, vomiting, and even heart attack. And it does interfere with estrogen compound drugs, so its not good for women who take hormonal replacements.
And, if you are a man suffering from prostate cancer, in the stage of treatment, taking lycopene supplements may interfere with test results, and cause serious health concerns.
In this scientific review they found that getting lycopene naturally form food will be better than taking a supplement unless in the case of blood pressure where the supplement is favored, but more studies in the future needed.
As lycopene is abundant in food that mostly available to use. Its preferred for now to consume whole food instead.
So what has changed in the last decade
Is now lycopene can be part of tratment of cancer, and other disease as well. Not only for prevention. Now it’s known as chemo-preventive agent that affect the growth of cancer cells. It’s very promising for cancer patients. But we still need further studies to know how its works.
For further reading:
Prostate Cancer, Nutrition, and Dietary Supplements (PDQ®)