I Read many good articles, and blog posts last week. They are really interesting, and thoughts provoking. Go grab a coffee or some tea, it’s kind of heavy reading.
Here are they:

Why The #MomsNotLovinIt Trend Needs to End This is not a new post, and it’s about MacDonald. But reading it, makes me think what is the purpose of writing when we are attacking someone? Is it constructive criticism? Why will you ask someone to shut down an initiative he/she deeply believe in?
It’s All in Your Stomach? by Kaila . I totally agree with her about the hype of stomach problems. And that Stress plays a major role. I think its good that people are paying more attention to how food affect their bodies, But we can’t be doctors! We can’t just diagnose that we are gluten sensitive, or in need for a low-cab diet from some reason.
In 2015, Resolve To Stop Comparing Motherhood To A Job As I may not agree with all points. But I like the idea that motherhood is not a real job. Don’t get me wrong I’m a mother, and I think its the best thing ever to do. But this is from an economic point view. And I really think that mothers who are defining what they do as real jobs, are not clearing seeing it. They are great at what they do, to the extent that they don’t have to define themselves with work identities.
Why Would Someone On Food Stamps Have an IPhone? This is a great post! It’s interesting how we define necessities. I think “homeless” should get a room maybe before an IPhone. But still, smart phone can be very beneficial for living, and connecting with people in an instant. Go read the article, its full of interesting thoughts.
Embracing Our Daughters: Supporting Them as They Enter Adolescence by Laura This is really crucial issue, and the blogger explained it very well. Every mother should read it! It’s like not enough that raising children is hard already ! But the huge influence on teens these days, when it comes to dieting, body image, shape, and fitness. love her suggestions too.
What do you think of these articles? Any thoughts?