This is a lengthy post with so much phrases like “why I don’t eat that much!” Please Bear with me, I have great recipe waiting for you!

Whenever I wanted to develop a new recipe, I intended to do a complex one.
A recipe that show skills, and creativity. But then I realize that I lack so much of cooking skills, and I’m still learning. Moreover, my pantry is a bit limited these days for many reasons. And lastly because I have a picky husband, and a picky son.
So who will eat a non-good creative recipe? Me of course!
Then when I came back from a dreamy imagination to a reality, I started to ask myself, who will cook a complex meal that needs non-easily available ingredients? One that take lots of time, and lots of skills?
Why can’t I offer for my readers a simple dish that is healthy, and flavorful. A one that is truly delicious. The myth that “healthy food is boring” is still going on, and needs to die! For real!
So here I am, I brought you a mouthwatering vegan recipe that can be ready in 20 minutes!

It’s a very nutritious fruit, I don’t eat it much, because I think its expensive for a fruit (When I looked for it, almost 90% of avocado is coming from California, and because avocado needs lots of water, and Californian now is suffering from drought).
But I always try to have it once a week. When I do eat it, I always say to myself, why you don’t eat it everyday? It’s silky, creamy, great in chocolate pudding and has a savory mild taste that goes great with cilantro, and lime. And of course almost every other food.
Here why avocado is good for you: (It’s reminder for me too!)
- It’s a fruits that has protein, good amount of fiber, and low sugar. Also it’s high in vitamins like K and folate, and minerals like potassium.
- Although its high in fat, but its the monounsaturated type, that good for the heart.
- It can lower cholesterol, reduce risk of metabolic syndrome , and a study suggested that its extract can be part of treatment in esophageal , and colon cancers.
- And its good for your skin and hair, and do reduce wrinkles.
Sweet potato
First recipe I used sweet potato is, this appetizing soup . Like avocado I don’t know why I don’t eat it much. Months go by, and I don’t even remember it, and I truly regret it! It’s so healthy, even I don’t see it as a replacement for white potato (And I don’t eat it much either), its sweet!
So what’s special about it:
- It has more than your daily needs of vitamin A, and good amounts of vitamin C, and vitmain B6. Also, minerals like potassium, manganese, and calcium in lesser amounts.
- It has more fiber, less carbohydrates,and less calories compared to white potato.
- It’s a good source of antioxidant beta-carotene.
- It does help with controlling blood sugar, blood pressure, and have anti-cancer proprieties
It’s a staple in my house, always add it to new dishes. I love it with kale, and it’s the greatest companion for egg!
- It has antioxidants, also the minerals like selenium that is very good for your liver.
- It’s very low in calories, and doesn’t have fat in it.
Caution: it may have negative effects on people with autoimmune diseases, however this is more clear in large amounts.
There are so much more benefits that I didn’t mention for all this fruits, and mushrooms. How can they protect us from cancer, and other disease is not conclusive yet.
However, varieties of food (think colored potato), the color of it, preparation method, and cooking method affects their nutrients contents. So keep in mind to have different varieties, different pairing, and to eat raw (except for potatoes) and cooked meals.
lets have a final closer look! And get me the recipe pleas!

Sauteed sweet potato with avocado
A vegan sauteed sweet potato with avocado , spiced with Cajun.
- 1 medium avocado
- 1 medium sweet potato
- 4 oz mushrooms
- 1 Tb olive oil
- 1 small onion
- 1 tsp Cajun spice (or as desired))
- Heat a skillet on medium heat, and add 0.5 Tb olive oil to it.
- Saute the onion for 2 minutes, and add sweet potatoes and saute for 3 minutes
- Now cover the skillet with a tight lid, and leave for 10 minutes, or until the sweet potato just tender (don't leave it for too long , it will become mushy)
- Remove the lid, add mushrooms and suate for 5 minutes
- Add the reaming of olive oil, and avocado, and Cajun spice, and saute all for another 5 minutes
- Serve it hot
Nutrition Information:
Amount Per Serving: Calories: 242Total Fat: 17gCarbohydrates: 21gFiber: 6gProtein: 4g
Have you ever tried sauteed avocado? Do you like it more than raw one? Please share your thoughts!