I decided to write about food allergies after I watched this very touching video yet important. It made by Discovery Channel about family struggles with food allergies. But,I hesitated many times to write about food allergy, its confusing, and a bit intimidating. It may not be common like other controversial subjects in nutrition, that I would love to share my thoughts about.It may matters life or death. Hence, I feel its my due, to participate in the awareness about food allergy. Food allergies are increasing dramatically the last decades. According to the Food allergy Research and Education (FARE) 15 million Americans suffer from food allergies, Almost 6 million of them are children. lots of people may think they don’t have to deal with food allergies, and it’s something they don not want to know about. You may not when you meet one who suffer from food allergies, maybe a kid in the future, a nephew, a niece or a partner, or even a friend. I think it’s encouraged that every one should know basic information about this subject that matters life or death for lots of people.
Food allergy is an action that happens after one eats a specific food. The human body treats the protein in the food as disease, so the immune system start reacting, and attacking the protein. Which cause the symptoms of food allergy. It may be mild or sever. The top 8 foods that cause allergy are Peanut, Tree nut, Fish, Shellfish, Soy, Wheat , Milk, and Eggs. And of course, there are other fruits, vegetables, or seafood that can cause allergies, but they are less common. Many of children outgrow food allergies, but is very important to check with the doctor, or the immunologist before start feeding the forbidden food
Food allergy symptoms
The sensitivities for the allergies are vary between people. While some people can eat some amount of food with showing little symptoms. Some are very sensitive to any traces in food, especially the processed food. There are many symptoms, to name a few:
- Hives
- Rash
- Nausea
- stomach pain
- Anaphylaxis. (Which may be fatal if not treated immediately)
What is the difference between food allergy and food intolerance?
A lot of people mistaken the food allergy with food intolerance. They may avoid food that they can have and eventually leads to a nutrients deficiency. Food intolerance mans that the one feel upsetting symptoms in abdomen and intestine after eating certain food. Like nausea, vomiting diarrhea, and constipation. which may also leads to nutrients deficiencies, because the intestine can not doing its job fully in absorbing nutrients. The difference for food intolerance, that the symptoms start to shows after hours of eating, not soon or instant like food allergies . Some common food intolerance’s are lactose intolerance and gluten. Although, some people that intolerant for gluten,may have soon effects after contacted any gluten traces, or eat anything has gluten.
Why food allergy happen?
It’s still not scientifically clear, why food allergies happen. One of the theory is the ” Hygiene theory” , which means that the life style we live in, with many antimicrobial products, and sterile environment especially around the kids. The UCLA Health explained this theory very well.
Is their a cure for food allergy?

Unfortunately, there is none now. There are some promising studies shown that treating allergy with the same cause in very small doses might help. The epinperine shot in the photo is used in anaphylactic reactions to save lives before heading to the emergency room. Avoidance of forbidden food is the only way now, in the vedio that i mention earlier in this post shows that there some trials to treat the allergies by the same cause in small does under clincal supervision.
GMO technology, does it increase food allergies?
According to the Institute of Responsible technology GMO has a huge effects on the crops, especially Soy, that may increased the number of food allergies in the last decades. However, lots of health advoctes, discussed that milk, and eggs are not GMO food, and yet still there is allergic reaction to them. We need more studies in the future to know if GMO products are really safe.
Education can very effective in save lives that suffer from food allergies, and research is our hope for a better future for our kids.
Are you struggling with food allergies? do you know anyone that suffer from it? Please I would love to hear your experience!