Talking about beauty on my blog is neither my interest nor my passion. But I believe that nutrition is related to many aspects in our lives, whether we are aware of it or not. Do we have to wear makeup daily? I don’t wear makeup all the time, because I believe that I do not have to be beautiful; to go on in my life, and fulfill my dreams. I can go bare face whenever I want, but that does not mean that makeup really boost the self-esteem.
Why it’s important to be beautiful?

I don’t agree with Jim Carey, as it may be true that some people have more appealing features than others but that does not mean the ones who lack these feature are less beautiful!
Being beautiful is important for many, because it helps with feeling more confident, having a high self-esteem, and feeling positive. But, what if we are not beautiful due to the media standards? What if we do not have that young looking and radiant skin ?Most of us put makeup; to hide any brown spots,pigmentation, under eye dark circles, or just to add some healthy blush. And of course many of us like vibrant colors! Therefore, makeup seems to help us to look beautiful. but thye ugly truth is makeup contains lots of chemicals that may harm our faces on the long run. Can nutrition gives us what we are searching for in makeup products? Will good nutrition gives us the healthy beautiful skin?
Nutrition and Aging
Yes! Nutrition plays a significant role in reducing the symptoms, and features of aging. Whether it’s to have a good beautiful looking skin, and less wrinkles or the body shape and fitness. To move better and to have less risk of developing life-long diseases like diabetes, and heart diseases.
Here are some food items that can helps you looks younger and beautiful:
Fruits &Vegetables: They contain lots of vitamins and minerals and antioxidants that help the skin looks better and help the body with damaging the free radicals
- Selenium which has anti-inflammatory properties , you can find it Brazil nuts, oyster, tuna.
- Antioxidants its abundant in berries, it helps the body to damage free radicals.
- Beta-carotene acting as antioxidant, found in carrots and sweet potato, here a recipe for a soup I made that I combine both of them).
- Spanish and kale has anti-inflammatory properties that help the skin looks better. here check out here my fresh kale salad
- Adding Lemon to water, Vitamin C helps in building (Collagen) which is responsible for keeping your skin stay firm.
- Flavonoids (green tea and good quality dark chocolate). According to the Oregon state universitys it helps your skin.
- Avoid refined sugar. According to the huffington post sugar cause inflammation which cause a break down for elastin and collagen that keep your skin from sagging and wrinkles
- Hydrate! its better to drink clear water for your skin, water in soups and herbal drinks may not help your skin look better.
- Here is my favorite delicious juice (vitamin C explode) fresh strawberry, frozen pineapple, fresh orange, and lemon. No sugar added!
When nutrition is not enough
If you still think that nutrition is not enough, you still can do other things before you put your makeup on and damage ur skin with chemicals:
- Always wash your skin, clean skin means less possibility of acne, redness.
- Try to match your skin color, and your eyes, with your outfit it will make your skin looks less pale.
- Avoid tobacco, alcohol and drugs.
- Whiten your teeth either naturally by using lemon or strawberry, or just use a toothpaste.
- Get a good sleep, you will get less dark circles , less puffy eyes.
- Train yourself to be less stressful and worrying , use relaxing methods like yoga.
- Be active, exercises activate blood circulation which reduce wrinkles.
- Keep out of the sun and use sunscreen wisely.
What to do you to keep looking young and beautiful? Please share your thoughts and comments below in the comment section!
Note: There are still many food items that i didn’t mention here. Most of fruits, and vegetables are very good for your skin,because it has vitamin and minerals. However taking vitamins supplements may not have the same effect on your skin.