In 2010 American people paid 28$ billions for multivitamins. Does it really add health benefits or they are just waste of money?
In December, most Americans were disappointed to hear that, multivitamins does not offer the health benefit was claimed to be. The Annal of internal medicine journal released a study find that multivitamins are just waste of money and do not offer developing memory and cut the risks of heart diseases and cancer.

So why do we take these multivitamins? Is it because we listen to trusted health advocates advices, or just because we mimic celebrities? In the beginning of 2013 Katy Perry encouraged her followers to consume vitamins because it’s the key for optimum health in this article
What about big pharmaceutical companies? They convince people, by targeting their emotions through commercials, that everything can be cured or prevented by some kind of pill, which may be true for many cases, but in this case you really should be away from it.Many Scientific studies approved that eating fresh vegetables, and fruits, and variety of food, and being physically active are the golden rules, and may help reducing risk of cancer, and other diseases. Also a lot of food items now is fortified with vitamins and minerals like flour, breads, milk and cereal, juices and etc. and that would help a lot for meeting the nutritional needs.
But is science contradicting itself? Who and what to believe? Yes maybe because science is growing and now we know things that we did not know in the past, so researchers get new results. But the thing is when science release new claims it should be tested more, and we should not go in hysteria for it, because that what is happening with big announcements, like gluten intolerance and sensitivity for example.
But others are still in favor of multivitamins like the CEO of Council of Responsible Nutrition Steve Mister who declared in a video published on their website, that they are shocked by the conclusion on studies in the editorials. He claimed that they just jumped to the conclusion even when the studies don’t support it, and he said that eating food alone is not enough.
I don’t agree with him as we know most of people don’t consume 100% healthy diet, but you can not just convince people this, because in this approach you are pushing them in every possible way to get pills instead of getting the all benefits from real food!
Some people do need these multivitamins such as pregnant women, athletes, seniors, anemic, and allergic ones. But they should consume these vitamins under the supervision of doctors, and health experts.
But, how much do we really need? Do we need those enormous amounts of these vitamins? Should it be open for all customers? And who watch, what, and how much people consume? Why we focus on unnatural ways to protect our health?And what bothers me that some dietitians recommend people just focus on good brands!! We are the most developed country in the world, with the most high technology tools, and we still have a lot of health problems. I Believe that it should not be over the counter should not be easy access. These pills are not regulated by the FDA. Yes most of them are harmless unless you have more than the upper limit, but pills should not be sold like candy.