Today I got you an ANTIAGING green smoothie, that makes you look younger It’s highly nutritious, high in vitamin C, and it’s vegan!

Let me tell you, long time ago, I wrote about green smoothie, well almost eight years ago. When it is was a fresh trend, and many people were drinking three to four cups per day! Also, when blogging was opinionated-which actually it should be. These days most food blogs are kind of bland. Most like a collection of recipes from a nameless author in a home magazine. Which is fine for a magazine, that you could actually follow and Love! But this space is for YOU my fellow food blogger. Your voice should be unique and heard.
Therefore, in this case, to be fare and not a hypocrite, I added few green smoothies recipes, because I become aware, that they can be part of great diet, but not an excessive amounts or as meal replacements.
However, today’s antiaging green smoothie is special. Not because it has a secret superfood (I’m not in favor for them) but because this mix give you the highest vitamin C possible with balancing hormones, while it’s still vey low in sugar, vegan , and very refreshing. and has a great kick , thanks to rocket leaves!
What do we mean by aging

It’s the process of changes in body functions over time. When the skin loose its elasticity , wrinkles appeared , hair loss, and more. There is no clear understanding why some people age more than others. It could be there genes or the the environment factors like air pollution, sun exposure, have an effect on the skin and the body in general. Also, its known that unhealthy food leads to aging too.
Is to stop or delay the process of aging, by surgical procedures, creams, or by diet. Some healthy enthusiasts, scientists, and manufacturers claim they can delay aging or even reverse it. By working on DNA epigenetics. However, nothing is conclusive yet. But what is really proven, is regular physical activity -30 min five days a week- can add years to your life. And gives it a better quality
Fruits and vegetables and antioxidants
Now it’s true that vitamin C and other antioxidant (beta carotene, lycopene, flavonoids) plays a huge role in the cells function and affect the collagen (gives elasticity to our skin) and many other vital functions that affect aging, like the muscles tone, bone density, metabolism and more. The theory that aging is a result of accumulative of oxidative damage done by free radicals (that leads to autoimmune diseases and degenerative diseases) that comes from fried food, alcohol and the antioxidants neutralize them by giving them some of their free electrons.
This theory is not fully supported, and may not cure free radicals, especially if the antioxidants were artificial. But the message is antioxidants from food is still beneficial to our bodies, so eating a rich diet with antioxidants would be very heathy beneficial, even if it is not curing diseases, but will help in prevention.

Why this antiaging green smoothie
- Kiwi: it contains vitamin C, that may help absorption of iron. Also, good amounts of folate and vitamin K. and fibers too, but moderate in calories and sugar
- Rocket (arugula):
- It’s rich in folate, and vitamin A that is critical for normal vision, the immune system, and reproduction. Also, it has huge amount of vitamin K that is important for normal blood clotting and for bone health. It’s low in calories, with good amounts of potassium, magnesium, manganese, and calcium.
- It’s is a member of cruciferous vegetables group that have glucosinolates (sulfur containing compounds) which are broken down during digestion to other bio compounds that inhibit cancer cells growth.
- Raspberry : It’s great fruits, with antioxidant like lycopene and beta carotene, and flavonoids. Has high amount of manganese, magnesium and vitamin C. vitamin A and high in fiber too.
- Cucumber : its low calorie fruit, almost zero fats and carbohydrates have good amounts of vitamin A, k, and C. Also, high in water.
- Banana: It can lower blood pressure, because the potassium in it helps balancing the its ratio to sodium in the blood. You feel happy because it has the amino acid tryptophan that is got converted to a serotonin (A neurotransmitter that helps you improve your mood) .

This smoothie, has three types of fruits, that contains natural sugar. But rocket, and cucumbers are very low or almost have zero sugars. This smoothie is very refreshing and well help your skin to glow naturally, and this smoothie does not meant to be a meal replacement.

If you made this antiaging smoothie, I would love to see your creation, please tag me @Nutrizonia on Instagram and Facebook too, and use the hashtag #Nutrizonia

- 2 medium kiwi
- 1 cup Rocket leaves, you can substitute with spinach
- 10 pieces Raspberry (fresh or frozen), you can substitute with strawberry
- 2 medium Cucumber
- 1 cup Water
- 1 small banana or half medium
- Put everything in the blender all at once. and pulse it, until its' well blended, and no big lumps.
- Make sure, its high powder, blender, if its not, maker sure, to cute kiwis, cucumbers before you blend.
- drink 1 cup only per day, and refrigerate the leftovers covered in plastic wrap, in glass cups.
Nutrition Information:
3Serving Size:
1 gramsAmount Per Serving: Unsaturated Fat: 0g