A super delicious avocado smoothie with pineapple and mint. A refreshing one that you can whip in 10 mins. Its has a nice aroma, packed with antioxidants. Gluten free and vegan !

Hello friends, it’s very hot these day where I live, and once can hardly eat anything! So I brought to you today a delicious green smoothie that is very easy to whip, and super delicious and nutritious!
It is a fruit that I love so much. I make sure to buy it regularly, like once a week, but it’s totally expensive. Well, at least is worth it. You can add it to a salad, smoothie or just enjoy it as it is! It fits savory dishes and sweet ones as well. I made a creamy chocolate pudding with it, and use the puree in pistachio cookies, and add it to smoothies too.
Why this avocado smoothie?

Because all the ingredients are very healthy, let’s talk a bit about the health benefits
- It has pineapple that has high amount of vitamin c, fibers, potassium, and manganese, helps with digestion due to high fiber content and water content too.
- It has avocado that is high in fat, but its the monounsaturated type, that good for the heart.
- It can lower cholesterol, reduce risk of metabolic syndrome , and a study suggested that its extract can be part of treatment in esophageal , and colon cancers.
- And its good for your skin and hair, and do reduce wrinkles.
- It has mint that has high antioxidant activity, also it’s antimicrobial and anti-tumor, and can work as anti-allergic too.
- It helps in indigestion, flatulence, and gases
This is very easy recipes, just peel the avocado, cut it and cut the pineapple, and blend!

Avocado Smoothie with Pineapple and Mint