A soft cheesecake sweetened and flavored with raw honey of blueberry fusion. It’s subtly sweet with a crunchy oatmeal crust and tangy labneh and a squeeze of lemon, a perfect gluten free dessert for a summer day!

Well I don’t really endorse brands or ready made food items. Because I love to make things from scratch, I just don’t buy the items with lots of chemical and processed add-ons. If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve must seen a jar of honey with blueberry fusion in my stories. I got it as gift form my brother. He is into gourmet food just like me, and I can’t thank him enough!
The honey tastes amazing, I loved it so much, so it’s the perfect gift! This honey is raw , that is subtly sweet with a hint of blueberry. It may not satisfy people who look for overly sweet food or dessert. I was that person but not anymore, and the reason is I had a bad lifestyle that affected my health at some point in my life. Sometimes I eat overly sweet dessert, but I’m starting to like less-sweet desserts, with a sour or spicy or even salty tastes!

This is the jar I got, you can see that is raw and straight from the hive. But is honey really healthy, and a better alternative to white cane sugar?
There are some claimed Health benefits but further studies needed …
- It helps preventing acid reflux .
- It helps minimizing seasonal allergies
- It helps with fighting infections.

This is not a perfect healthy recipe, but i feel i needed a cheesecake to show the taste and beauty of this gourmet honey. You can use light or low cream cheese. And since it has labneh (fermented yogurt spread) its kind of healthy cheesecake! You can adjust the amount of labneh to get more sour taste. You can buy labneh , but avoid Turkish one, because it doesn’t have the sour taste. It tastes like cream cheese, and that’s not what we want for this recipe. Or you can just make it yourself, it’s fairly easy!
This recipe is fairly easy, you just assemble ingredients, do little mixing , and then freezing it and putting it in the refrigerator! I don’t use gelatin or agar-agar or any thickening agent, I may should to get a firmer texture, but this way is softer, and tastes more like an ice cream. Also it tastes lighter this way.
You can add more honey if you wish , but for a cheesecake , its is tastier to be less sweet. I know this honey blueberry fusion is hard to find, but I found something similar on Amazon.com . You can buy it here

Now enjoy!
Honey Blueberry Fusion Healthy Cheesecake