A cinnamon hot drink that is aromatic, healing, and relaxing! Make it tonight and you will have uninterpreted good sleep!

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Today I have for you another easy drink recipe from the Arabic cuisine , I remember that mom used to make cinnamon on cold winter nights. I don’t think I’ve ever have it when I was young, just started to drink it few years ago. And after knowing the benefits for it, I never looked back again.
My love for it is just growing bigger and bigger! I add it to coffee, chocolate, and milk drinks. Also oatmeal, and any dessert I can think of! And it really fits the savory dishes well like this yogurt lentil soup, and I use the sticks for chicken stock too! It does feel strange to me that I don’t really have a recipe where the it is the star, gonna post some in the future for sure!
Is one of the most popular spices, you can use it in sweets and savory dishes as well. It was used from the ancient times for medicinal purposes, and it did shape the modern history.
Health benefits
It’s a very powerful spice, it has anti-inflammatory properties, high amounts of polypheonls (kind of antioxidant) ,and high antimicrobial activity that cinnamon can be used as food preservative. There are so many health benefits of consuming cinnamon, that I can’t contain in one post, hence I will mention a few:
Heart diseases
In one study different levels of cinnamon were given to diabetic patients for 40 days period, and followed with 20 days wash out period. They found that level of blood glucose, triglycerides, bad cholesterol and total cholesterol were significantly improved. And in a meta-analysis of 10 randomized controlled trials for patients with type 2 diabetes, that were given different doses of cinnamon up to 18 weeks, they had significant improvement in HDL level (The good cholesterol). These studies combined shows that having cinnamon can reduce the risk of developing heart diseases.
Women’s health
Cinnamon can be a part of treatment for some women’s issue like PCOS, Mainly because it’s effect on insulin resistance in the body. It is also used to jump start the menstrual period, and stop it too. Other women drink it to reduce the menstrual cramping (PMS) and reduce the heavy bleeding (Menorrhagia) as well.
I do drink cinnamon regularly to ease the menstrual cramps, even I don’t suffer from sever cramps, but it does ease the stress that comes before the period.
Multiple sclerosis
A recent study by Rush university in Chicago found that a cinnamon does of 50mg/kg body wt/d suppress the clinical symptoms of Multiple sclerosis (A autoimmune diseases that affect the central nervous system, and keep the patients unable to have normal body function through attacking episodes). Having cinnamon can used as cheap, and available treatment with no side effects like other drugs used for treatment. Also it might be a part of effective treatment for Alzheimer & Parkinson diseases.
Not only consuming it regularly can reduce the level of blood glucose, but there is a compound in it can mimic the insulin actions in the body. That means the body will be less sensitive to insulin, and this compound can be useful in treatment of insulin resistance.
Possible Harms:
Cinnamon is a blood thinner, therefore if you have blood clotting problems, and you want to use a supplement or oil, you should consult your doctor first,.
Pregnant women should not take high amount of cinnamon, because it may leads to miscarriage. Using it in cooking and baking may not be harmful, but it’s better to avoid it all.

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Arabic Cinnamon drink (Iner)
- 2 Cinnamon sticks*
- 1 tsp of sugar or any sweetener of choice
- 1 cup of boiling water
- 1 Tb of chopped walnut
- Put a small pot on the stove, on a medium heat.
- Add water, sugar, and let it boil.
- Add cinnamon sticks, and lower heat to the minimum, and let it simmer for 10 minutes.
- Pour in a cup, add walnut, and serve immediately.
Note that this color that you see in the photos, needs more than 2 sticks. However FDA recommends only 2 sticks/day that's why I've put 2, but I used 4-5 sticks, which gives a strong flavor, and in that case you don't really need a sweetener, and you can taste the natural sweetness in cinnamon.
Use high quality only