I’ve started a series called Confessions of a Nutritionist . Today is all about Superfoods!

“I don’t use superfoods”
I believe they are:
- Marketing hypes.
- Not critical food items to be healthy.
Marketeers manipulate the people to buy imported items, saying they are “super healthy”. Believe me they are not much healthier than your local blueberries, or avocados. I think people are being impractical, and over complicating things, like being healthy.
And I want to be clear, I eat superfood that are common fruits, and vegetables and other food items that they are easily available:
- Walnut
- Blueberry
- Avocado
- Kiwi
- Kale
- Quinoa ( I just bought my first one before couple of days)
Some of superfoods that I don’t eat regularly (or never):
- Chia seeds over the years, chia becomes more available and affordable. I use it from time to time in puddings
- Hemp seeds
- Flax seeds (I bought flax seeds, and I love them)
- Acai and goji berries
- Maca powder I got some, it was super expensive, I feel it was worth it. It’s good for balancing hormones. However, minimizing the stress could be better idea to manage hormones.
- Seaweed (I tried it once, and I couldn’t stand it)
- Bee pollen
Do we really need superfoods?

It’s great thing that we are more aware about our health now, and want to get the best nutrients as possible as we can. But the body doesn’t work in a way that “more is always better”. And some superfoods while they are packed with nutrients they can still be high in sugar, or fat (even if its good fat like in avocado, or coconut milk).
The naturalists, and health holistic are swearing by these superfoods. They even go far away, and claim that some of them can cure cancer! (I usually add links to back up any claims, but I won’t help them spreading the wrong message). I was navigating the endless lists of superfoods (many of them almost contain all the fruits and vegetables!). I read one blog (won’t mention it) for two bloggers, they kept saying superfoods has highest antioxidants content, vitamins, and minerals, and did not mention a name of a single vitamin!
And the worst thing is they telling you to forget the last year trends of and to look for next year trends!
It can be hard sometimes to include these superfoods in the diet. While you can be creative, but I’m sure many of these superfoods were gone to trash. Because people try some, and find it unpalatable ,or find it hard to put in a good meal.
I need to admit that I’m trying some of super food because of online social pressure,
I’m a nutritionist, and I need to know what the trends are, try them, and give advice too! I just bought quinoa after hesitating for almost a year or more!
I don’t want to promote, and promise quick weight loss diets and tips, or miraculous health benefits for the body, hair, and skin. It’s so annoying. Most websites, bloggers, add these words and kind of advice, so they got more attention, and more readers!
kale ,or blueberry are not traditional food I used to eat. But since I live here now, I can find local options). But also some local shops do have bulgur which is very similar to quinoa. They have freekeh, and lentils too!
I mean why we jump to buy things, because they are trends? Is it a conformity behavior? I refused to go after trends blindly.
In “Which is healthier“ series, I always emphasize the importance of choosing the best option for YOU, not only following a trend.
If quinoa is expensive, you don’t have to eat it! look for alternative option that is local, cheaper, and easier to find.
To know more about “superfoods in the media” check out this guide . It’s extensive, and worth to read every word of it.
What’s your take on superfood?