Since I’m from Middle East, where the diet is similar to the Mediterranean, Olive oil is a staple. My family (Till now) buy it in bulk for the whole year. Usually after the first press. This was almost the only oil we use, for dipping for Foul Mudammas, labneh, and zaatar. And for cooking too. Coconut oil is new to me, and to many people too. It’s been a trend lately, because of all the claimed health benefits.
So which is healthier olive oil or coconut oil?

Calories and fat amounts are almost equal. But they have different fatty acids composition, which give them special proprieties that make them anti inflammatory, and antibacterial. Olive oil has Oleic acids, which is monounsaturated. While coconut oil has Saturated fatty acids like lauric acid, but its different from the saturated fat in the butter.
Fighting diseases
Both of them has special compounds that fight chronic diseases like CVD (Cardiovascular disease, heart diseases) and Alzheimer. However there are more conclusive studies for olive oil now, and for coconut oil there are many health benefits that are not proven yet.
This is a study for virgin coconut oil can lower cholesterol in rats. Olive oil can be good for Arthrities and healthy aging . And as most of us know that olive oil improve the quality of HDL (The good cholesterol), and thus improve the overall cholesterol. And for osteoporosis and colon cancer cells too. Finally, its promising for diabetes too, because it can reduce GL and GI
Shelf life & Rancidity
Both of oils should be stored in dark, cool place, away from the sunlight. Olive oil should be kept in glass, stainless steel, or tin containers, up to one year or two. Coconut oil also can be stored in glass, or plastic, But look for BPA free options. It is also good for 2 years or more depending on the storage conditions. Rancidity of olive oil “its the oxidation of antioxidants” which the oil is no longer have the health benefits, but it will tastes bad, and you should get rid of it.
Smoke Point
Its the temperature where the fats in the oil, start to breakdown, and release free radical (can cause damage to cells and become vulnerable to mutation which may leads to cancer tumors) and other harmful chemicals. Both of olive oil, and coconut oil have medium smoke point, which make them good for baking less than 400 F. Also, Stir Fry, light sauteing, and salad dressings. But not frying or deep frying.
Availability and cost
Both of them considered not cheap, especially when it comes to high quality, unrefined, well stored ones which is you should opt for. Its not an easy to afford using these oils all the time. You can use other oils for sauteing, and baking such as Canola oil. But its great if you can have them both in your pantry. For countries that they have local olive oil (Mediterranean) its easy for them to pick it instead of coconut oil. And the same goes for coconut oil in countries like Indonesia, Philippines, and India.
So Which is healthier? Olive oil or Coconut oil?
Olive oil! But that doesn’t mean that you avoid coconut oil, it maybe matter of time until we can prove the health benefits and start recommending it.
Which oil do you prefer? And how do you use it?
photo credit: Vic Acid via photopin cc
photo credit: Chiot’s Run via photopin cc