This is a new “mini series” of tested recipes I want to share with You
They are Recipes I tested in my kitchen for fellow food bloggers. In this first post, I’m explaining what I’m doing and why, I promise you won’t see this long introduction in the future posts!
Lately, I’ve been testing some recipe from fellow food bloggers, because I really loves to try all these great recipes, I don’t see that much often in blog sphere (maybe I do search in the wrong places). [Tweet “I believe this is the ultimate way to support other bloggers. when you show the world that their recipes are work for real.”]
Commenting, and sharing each other posts are great ways too, but in my humble opinion, I would love to know if the recipe is actually works or not.
About the competition, I see we all (food bloggers) racing to offer new, creative, and authentic recipes, but we forgot that this is should be real, and not for online publishing only.
Recipes should be made, tested, and appreciated other ways beside words only, that we generously offer on social media platforms.
At first I thought I’m gonna post every recipe I test, even if I don’t like it, or it wasn’t “put through” recipe, but then I changed my mind.
I’m not a food critic, I’m not even a chef, or an experienced cook. I’m an amature one.
Taste vary from one person to another, Moreover other food bloggers are not chefs either! They post trials. I tried some recipes from a famous blogger, and I truly didn’t like the outcomes, they were very dense, with not so much flavor. It was a disappointment .
But what if this was just my own opinion? We are not being “chopped ” here, and judging each other for skills, and creativity.
I do choose recipes mostly because:
- They are healthy, with available ingredients.
- Easy to medium levels (cooking skills).
- And hopefully my picky husband, and son will eat them.
- And unfortunately these days, I have limited pantry, so I’m trying my best.
I’m not playing favorites, and I do follow my weekly list for groceries. I’ll post “not so healthy” recipes too. because I believe even if it is a treat, its much more better for you if its homemade. Most likely, it has real food.
Note: I’m not really good at food styling and plating.
Tested recipes (1)
Ea is a registered dietitian. Her specialties in nutrition counseling include, but are not limited to:
- Celiac disease, and gluten sensitivity.
- FODMAPs diets for IBS.
- MRT food sensitivity testing/LEAP therapy for IBS, fibromyalgia, and all her recipes are gluten free.
She is one of my favorite bloggers, and she always supports me. Actually she was the first blogger I’ve ever asked for help. She has an incredible collection of recipes, it was very hard to choose. I did pick this recipe, because its very easy, yet delicious. And of course healthy. I made the energy bites, and truffle.
The first bite reminded me of the dark Lindt® chocolate. It’s not just a compliment, it’s the truth. It’s really delicious, with rich dark chocolate taste, even it’s just cocoa (I used dark cocoa by the way)

What I would (or did) change:
- I wanted this a bit sweeter. So I added more maple syrup. And because I made a mistake which is added more pecan, so I had to crush it more to shape it in balls, so it was very dense, and not sweet.
- Other thing I would love orange more than lemon in this recipe.
Would I make it again? Yes definitely! I highly recommend it!
I knew Maria from Google+ . She is a talented cook, and very enthusiastic. What I really love about her, how she communicates with her readers. She replies to every comment like its the only one. She respects everyone, and answers every question.

She has a blog dedicated to south Asia cuisine, and she posts international recipes as well. She has many tips, and “how-to” posts, and she encourages cooking with kids. I chose this recipes, because its very easy, similar to the Arabic red lentil soup, and I knew my husband would love it . It’s more like a tweak to how I made the lentil soup.
What I would (or did) change:
- I didn’t add gram flour, because I don’t have it, and actually I won’t did if I have it. Because lentils has starch enough to gives the soup it’s natural thickness.
The soup is very nutritious, delicious, and satisfying. For me it’s more like a main course not an appetizer. It’s a new way fro me to add chicken, and different spices.
Would I make it again? Yes! I highly recommend it
Vimtiha is the cook and the photographer for her blog, and actually I’m new to her blog. I did stumble on, when I was searching for an ice cream recipe.

I had an extra strawberry in the fridge, and wasn’t sure what to do with it, I want to try something new. And my husband is obsessed with ice cream, so I looked into too many recipes that don’t need an ice cream machine. And this is the BEST one with such low sugar, and fat comparing to other recipes. Now even it does has whole milk and cream, it’s still much better than the ready ice cream, that most of them have fillers in them with other natural, and artificial flavors, and thickeners.
What I would (or did) change:
- I won’t change anything, its just I want to make it better next time, because you can see a little crystal in the photo, so I need to follow directions more precisely.
Would I make it again? Yes! I highly recommend it.
Actually I want to make other flavors. Even I just had few bites, because I’m not a big fan of ice cream, I may make a chocolate one for me, but not more than once a month, especially this make 6-10 scoops and that’s enough for 2 weeks or more, or if husband asks for more, I’m gonna make it of course!
That is for today, stay tuned for more tested recipes!