Happy new year my readers!
Here are the popular posts- Your favorites- in 2015:
Even though I’m not posting nutrition articles as before, but they are keeping to be very popular!
Before I list the top ones, please take a moment to vote!
Should I post more nutrition articles in 2016?

Let me tell you, most of my popular recipe are from the Arabic cuisine, since lots of food lovers are looking for ethnic recipes and flavors, therefore I’ll keep posting the healthy ones in 2016! (Please take a moment and vote for your preferred diet type at the end of this post)! Here are the top 5:
Rice pudding (Roz bel Haleeb)

Arabic Eggplant Dip (Mutabal)

Easy Healthy Baked Chicken

(Hummus Casserole) Fattet Hummus Two ways

Palestinian couscous with chicken and chickpeas

What recipes do you want to see more of in 2016?