Hello there,
Today, I have for you a different kind of post. For the last year, I solely posted recipes (except for this Paleo diet article). And many of you before, asked me to talk more about weight loss. Ramadan, for who are fasting, is a golden opportunity to lose weight, since your day almost is gone without any calories getting it.
This week we started Ramadan for the year 2020. I’ve wrote about Ramadan when I lived in the states. But I didn’t post anything about it last year. It was only 3 months since we moved to Dubai, and it was overwhelming to start blogging again, after the blog being down for months.
Not sure if I shared this with you before, but from Dec 2018 until April 2019 the blog was down. I was sad of course. My blog is business that I love, and I made day around it, whether, I am crafting new recipe, taking photos, or editing old posts, follow up, and more! And, the 2nd thing was building a pantry from the zero again. It takes long time, you just can’t buy everything all at once. And oh no props, since I used to borrow a lot of things from my mom, so another thing to consider for the blog which is food photography.
Since you loved this Post and one of the most visited, I will add here different menus that you will surely love as much as this one!
Ramadan menus
Ramadan Healthy Iftar Menu (Week 2)
Vegan Ramadan Menu for Iftar & Suhoor
Ramadan Healthy Iftar Menu (Week 3)
Ramadan Healthy Iftar Menu (Week 4)

So not to bore with you, with things from the past. Today I gathered for you Ramadan menu that has recipes form my organized in 1 week, to see what courses go well together from soup, drink, dessert, and main, and most of them healthy, except some desserts.
I will write down for you some tips that gonna help you a to stay in shape and maybe lose weight too.
Ramadan Menu (week 1)
Day 1:

Drink : Cold Carob
Soup: Red Lentil soup (Shorbat Addas)
Salad/ Appetizer: Fresh Watercress & Apple Salad
Main: Roasted Chicken with Potato
Desserts: Lebanese Semolina pudding (Layali Lebnan)
Day 2:

Drink: Green Apples with Ginger Hibiscus Iced Tea
Soup: Quick Refreshing White Zucchini Soup
Salad/ Appetizer: Fresh Kale Salad with Orange
Main: Saffron Rice Pilaf with Chicken
Desserts: Vegan Tahini Mousse with Walnut Crust
Day 3:

Drink: Refreshing Hibiscus, Lemon, and Cloves Drink
Soup: Creamy Fennel soup
Salad/ Appetizer: Arugula Salad with White Cheese & Pistachio
Main: Jew’s Mallow Soup {Mloukhyia}
Desserts:Milk and Orange Pudding
Day 4:

Drink: Homemade Lemonade
Soup: Arugula Yogurt Soup with Mint Pesto
Salad/ Appetizer: Kappa Masala (Indian Pan Fried Tapioca)
Main: Freekeh Pilaf with Toasted Nuts
Desserts: No-bake Spicy Chocolate Bars
Day 5:

Drink: Qamar al deen (apricot juice)
Soup: Chicken Vermicil soup
Salad/ Appetizer: The Classic Tabbouleh
Main : Roasted Chicken with Sumac over Taboon Bread (Musakhan)
Desserts: Chia Pudding
Day 6:

Drink: Cold Carob
Soup: Red Lentil soup (Shorbat Addas)
Salad/ Appetizer: Cheesy Zucchini Polenta Baked Fries
Main: Moussaka (Eggplant casserole with Tomato Sauce)
Desserts: Semolina pudding (Halawet El Smeed)
Day 7:

Drink: Homemade Lemonade
Soup: Cream of tomato soup
Salad/ Appetizer: Crunchy Red Beans Salad
Main: Chicken with Mango Stew
Desserts: Tahini & Chocolate Baked Oatmeal
**This Ramadan menu is a suggestive menu, Not a diet plan. It may not be suitable for your diet plan . What you should eat depends on your calorie needs, how much do you burn during workout, and your activity level, and your age. You may skip some of the courses, like salad or soup, if you think that you are full, also I didn’t list any portion. You may have to decide that based on your knowledge of your needs. These ideas of dishes are just to help you design your iftar meal.
** You don’t have to stick to every course every day, you can alternate between days, choosing what you like. However, the menu is based on meals that fit together, and maximizing your intake of meat/chicken , fruits and vegetables.
*** Remember, desserts are optional of course, but usually in Ramadan desserts are big part of it. That’s why I listed it. But not the typical Ramadani desserts, since they loaded with sugars and fats.””
During the day, fasting do the job for you, no food or drink in the stomach helps you to stay on track of losing weight. What also can maximize the benefits, is workout. I’ll explain all about it, in a separate post, but burning calories while you are fasting make you stand in the negative balance zone, and that’s what we need for weight loss.
If you need further assistance, please don’t hesitant to reach me on Instagram, or thru email farida@nutrizonia.com , nutrizonia@gmail.com .. , and if you make any recipe, I would love to see your creation, so tag me on Instagram #Nutrzonia