Every Saturday I gather for you some of my favorite links. Today, it is about very sensitive issue, the body image. Almost everyone has, or had some sort of body image problem. I gathered my thoughts in a post long time ago, after I had my baby. Now, I’m glad that society members are working together to ends body shaming. Here are some of my favorite posts:

A personal story of body image acceptance by Glenda Bishop I’ve shared this before on my google+ page because its worth reading. I love how honest she was, that even when you have a healthy body, and good figure, you are still susceptible to body shaming. She is so brave to put a photo that is not photoshoped.
Drew Barrymore, Oprah and one final rant for the year by LAUREN SLAYTON This is not directly towards someone’s body image. But it shows how celebrities like, Oprah is making peace with their bodies. She is really brave. It’s not easy, when everyone is looking at you, and criticizing you non stop, for any word you say, or any changes in your look.
LET’S TALK: BODY IMAGE by Carrie. I love how is she a successful fashion blogger, that is not too thin, and modely like! I follow many fashion bloggers, they are tall, and very thin. She discussed honestly the way she sees her body, and she even mentioned her measurements!
Must-see video: A lesson from kids on body image While I think this is not a new video, but it did make me smile. It’s truly amazing how kids see their bodies. They really very comfortable at it. And they are so lovely and cute:)
Body-Image Pressure Increasingly Affects Boys Body image issues are not about women only anymore. Boys are starting to show up their struggles, but in other ways. Boys, and men are taking steriods, protein powders, just to look bigger ,and make their muscles pop. These streroid can be really dangerous. And did you see Justin Bieber photoshopd body for Calvin Klein ad?
What are your thoughts about body image? Do you have a favorite post or a body image blogger? Please share!