How are you feeling this Saturday? I don’t like this cloudy gloomy weather, I can’t wait for the summer! Here are good articles, and recipes I stumbled upon last week.
My favorite Quote is:
I’ve never been a perfectionist, but reading so many lifestyle blogs, I tried to have a perfect life, perfect home, kids, kitchen, recipes, hair and skin,etc. But I don’t want to stuck in this trap anymore. Therefore, I’m trying new things, and if they were mistakes that is totally okay with me! What about you?

Few days ago we celebrated “Earth Day” and what’s better way than not wasting food ?
There is no cute pure thing as kid’s innocence , lets preserve it.
I love people who do appreciate little things, and i love what they are thankful for, here are 20 little things .
Lots of women nowadays do exercise heavily, while this helps to stay healthy regarding to weight, but it’s not acting the same way to your hormones.
This article about milk has some good points, but I don’t agree with all of it, you can check my posts about milk here.
Another controversial article about how our diet is causing global warming, Yes it’s better if we can have more vegetarian, and vegan meals.
I’m into sweet potato these days, you have to check these amazing sweet potato meatballs
love this Asian omelet with chicken .It’s very nutritious, and easy to make.
love this very green creamy AVOCADO-SPINACH PESTO ZOODLES . Is zoodles a real word?
I’m so tempted to try this ultra fast mug cakes. Are you into mug cakes?
The best thing in blogging is the supporting community. Here is Lindsay recap of recent blog retreat.
The Difference Between Popularity and Influence in Social Media
I did ask Sarah to talk about the bounce rate, and she just responded a very useful post
Do you have any favorite article or recipe? Please share it!
Happy reading!