Summer has begun, therefore today I brought you light recipes, and light reads too! Happy reading!
Quote of the day:
I’m so happy I found him . Hope you did too!

Don’t underestimate the power of food, it can helps you to be more creative.
Did you find home yet? I didn’t. I believe it’s where you are surrounded with people you love.
While I’m not on a gluten free diet, I find it interesting to try other flours. Whether they are made of nuts, legumes, or other produces. Here is a great guide to get you started.
It’s true that modern food is heavily processed, but that doesn’t mean your grandmother’s food was always great!
We always take things for granted. Don’t waste your opportunity!
I do love reading what people do to make their life easier, and bearable. These little things are awesome!
I truly can’t believe this is a raw vegan chocolate. It looks like a gourmet one.
I love mixing cuisines together. This Indo-Chinese sandwich is quite one!
This “vegan peanut butter cookie dough shake” looks scrumptious!
These natural food sprinklers are made of dried fruits. They are amazing!
I do mix mushrooms with eggs in omelets. But this baked one is quit an idea!
That is it for this weekend. Enjoy!