Fads diets are increasing dramatically every day. Caveman diet, Stone Age diet, and Hunter- Gather diet; all are names for the same diet, the Paleo diet, which comes from Paleolithic era (the time when human gathered his food before the development of agriculture). This diet is the most followed fad diet for 2013! Â It started in mid 1970s by the gastroenterologist Walter L. Voegtlin. It focuses on meat, fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, but not dairy products, legumes, or grains.
It recommends eating anything exists before agriculture discovered. So some fruit and vegetables are not allowed; like the night shade family (such as tomato, and eggplant). Also it promotes eating grass-fed beef, free- cage chicken, free-range eggs, and organic fruits and vegetables.
It claimed that it can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, arthritis, type II diabetes, and even some cancers. However, many people follow this diet, because a friend or a personal trainer; swears that this is the best diet for weight loss and, and feeling energized around the clock.
A Paleo diet looks like this