This authentic Arabic tabbouleh salad is crunchy, and fresh. It’s bursting with tangy flavors, nutrients, antioxidants and it is naturally vegan!

This is maybe the first salad I made when I was young. It’s a dish that is always present in every gathering, wedding or just for any lunch day, with grilled kebab or meat, or any dish.
I’m not sure that this kind of recipes -the ones take time- is a labor work, or it is a soothing process? I used to take forever to make this salad. I don’t think it was just my slow motion, but it was really soothing like therapeutic. I used to daydream while making tabbouleh. Making food for the people you love- the ones who support you- is the best thing ever! Every minute and sweat drop counts as a reward rather than a burden. Isn’t this so romantic and dreamy for making a salad such as tabbouleh? Well, I think so.
It refers to the bulgur with parsley salad, where the parsley is the real star. It’s from Lebanon, and so popular in Levant area. some people add some green onions, or other ingredient , but traditionally parsley should be the main ingredient. This salad is raw and better to consume it fresh , I know people that make big batches to keep eating it. But that really kills it’s soul, kills the freshness of it. It kills the happiness when you taste the first bite, crunchy with unique taste of parsley soaked in lemon juice with fresh cucumber and tomato. Just a little bit, and then you will go straight to heaven!
Is is whole wheat grain that is partially cooked, comes from Middle Eastern, European, and Turkish origin. And its used a lot in Arabic cuisine. Bulgur is high in fiber, magnesium, and low in fat. It’s a good substitute for rice, for anyone wants add fiber, and protein to their starchy carb option.
Lots of foodies, modernize tabbouleh with substituting bulgur with quinoa, believe the latter is more healthy. But is that true? Please Read here how I compared quinoa to bulgur.
For this recipe, use the fine bulgur, means the smallest pieces or number 1 if you see a number on the package. if you have a middle eastern store, you can find it in a good price. Or you can buy it online here.
Really what one would ask more for such an easy recipe to make yet scrumptious and very nutritious?

A dark green herb that is a power house of nutrients. And it’s my favorite to use in smoothies. There are so many compounds in parsley that helps to prevent degenerative diseases like cancer. and other health benefits too. I’ll brief some.
- It has high amounts of Vitamins A, K, and C. Also, contains good amounts of folate, iron and potassium.
- It contains a flavoniods called a Myricetin that helps to prevent skin cancer. Also, has another compound called apigenin, that is shown to decrease the tumore size of cancer.
Parsley and pregnancy
Too much of parsley can hurt a pregnant woman but increasing the uterine contraction and may leads to miscarriage. Because of the oil has compounds that affects the uterus.
To make the tabbouleh some people prefer add water to bulgur, however I find lemon juice gives a depth for the flavors , and extra vitamin C . This salad is really easy to make, just shop parsley and you are almost done. however, don’t be tempted and use a food processor, it will make the parsley like a dead body with it’s water content got out of it. If you really want it to be fast. try to make it in pulse, then continue chopping by your hand. and you can use a special knife like this one to help you.

The Classic Tabbouleh