Hello friends, Can you believe it’s July already?
Time flies and summer is here at last! It is full of activities, and good sunshine. And who wants to hide all day behind a computer screen? or scrolling over and over a smart phone? So we all don’t have enough time to actually check all the wonderful posts and recipes, especially by our favorite bloggers and on Instagram .
Therefore, shorter and lighter posts are coming in. I’m trying my best not to cook heavy meals or actually staying at the kitchen for a long time. I’m thinking more salads, and drinks to add to the recipes. (What would you like to see on Nutrizonia?) . So, now when you visit the bog , you will not don’t worry about YOUR valuable time, and you will get to the point!
Pears is a round fruit that somewhat sweet, and it’s season in the fall, even here the season starts in late or mid summer, I never thought of it as fall one. Well, I like it , but I wasn’t like a big fan or something, but I see more and more gourmet recipe of pears, not sure what makes it so fancy though. But I like how it hold its shape and texture in baking and didn’t fall very soft. It’s not too sweet but good enough to draw a smile on any one’s face, and this is a big win!
If you are looking for a pear recipe inspiration, check out this delicious breakfast .
And above all of that, it’s health benefits, let’s talk about them:
- Low in calories, good amounts of vitamins, especially vitamin C, and antioxidants.
- Since 85% of pear is water, it helps with weight loss. it’s high water content, makes it even better for digestion, and also great for glowing skin.
- It’s high in fibers which is crucial for regular bowl movement, and make sit easier to lose weight since fibers makes you feel full without adding fats and carbs to your body
- It’s a good choice for diabetic patients, since it has low glycemic index value, and its high in fibers too.