I started a series “which is healthier” for comparing similar items, to help you decide which one is the best for you. Today, we have very popular greens , Kale or spinach?

It’s a question that I see a lot now in search, people are wondering which is healthier. They are almost a twins, they are very similar in nutrition profile, but actually they are very different in taste. Spinach was a favorite in my family, my mom used to make it sautéed with lamb, which I used to eat it. And occasionally, she used to make pastries with a spiced spinach mixed with lemon, and it’s still an all time favorite in my family! But I couldn’t like it, don’t like anymore. Kale is still new to me, when I was young, there was no kale in my life, now I make sure it’s on my grocery shopping list every time.
So why now I love kale but not spinach? I have no idea! I think when you get older, your taste buds like different things, and another possible reason, when you start cooking for yourself, you may not like the same things you used to eat, when someone cook it for you.
Kale is still trending, therefore a lot of people favoring it over spinach. Lets check if they are right, and lets start comparing, and see who is the winner, kale or spinach!
Kale :

Calories: It’s very low in calories. almost negligible
Vitamins: It Contains enormous amount of vitamin A which actually exceeds the amount you need to take daily. also with Vitamin K and vitamin C also a
Minerals: High in iron, calcium, also it has moderate amounts of copper, and manganese.
Spinach :
Calories: the same as kale, the calories is very low per cup.
Vitamins : It’s high in Vitamin C, another B vitamins like folate which is very important vitamin, especially for pregnant women, also vitamin B6 , Riboflavin, and of course vitamin A, and vitamin K
Minerals: high in Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium.
They are also almost identical in carbohydrate and fiber content, for protein spinach is slightly higher.
Phytates and Oxalate
These are natural components in the plants. Unfortunately, these compounds interfere with calcium and iron absorption, its a bitter truth when you know such a high calcium and iron food like kale and spinach but you cant get it, so in order to guarantee your recommended intake of calcium and iron, its better to explore other greens like bok choy for example and others of course. And remember that high amount of oxalate in the body may lead to kidney stones. Also it’s still unclear if cooking or preparation methods may reduce oxalate and phytate. To understand this issue better This is great article explains oxalate and calcium absorption, and what dietary source we should consume in order to get enough calcium.
Spinach has high amount of oxalate, while kale has very small amount. So I would choose kale over spinach for this reason!
Taste and Availability
The cost difference is very subtle between spinach and kale, so it’s not really a determining factor. For taste, its a personal matter, because they are very healthy green vegetables its okay if you pick the one that is more palatable for you.
I prefer Kale, that’s why I made two recipes in the past, a hot and a cold one, so everyone has a chance to love these recipes! I’m still exploring kale, so definitely I’ll come up with other recipes in the future!
Sauteed kale with Mushrooms It’s a simple side dish, with crunch almonds (vegan and gluten free)

Fresh Kale Salad It’s a refreshing nutritious salad, plus it’s vegan and gluten free

I never tried spinach recipe, I believe that if you don’t like something, it’s hard to create a distinctive dish, but I may give it a try it in the future ! (Update: I created many spinach recipes after writing his article, check them out here). like these delicious pastries filled with spinach

Really, this is how you define beauty, a delicious healthy salad with vibrant colors by Allspice and Nutmeg
Here is the photo and the recipe so you can know why I am crazy about this salad!

So kale or spinach?
its a tie ! Spinach and kale are very healthy food and you should get them both!
And finally remember to love or hate spinach its your call! don’t let my opinion tricks you that its not worth trying! And it’s a must for you to include green veggies into your diet, but don’t worry if you don’t like all of them!
So what do you prefer Kale or Spinach ? Please share your comments, I would love to hear from you!