White rice is one of the popular staples through the world. In the last decade, there were many health concerns about consuming it. I love white especially the long one “Basmati” I love mixing it with fruits or vegetables for a healthy meal. An alternative start to show up in the shelves. A brown rice. Which is healthier? Should you switch?

They are similar in calories, and carbohydrates. Brown Rice is higher in Fiber, and minerals like Manganese, Magnesium and Iron, comparing to the white one. Also its higher in protein. Some White“long varieties” are more nutritious than short ones, and much similar to brown.
Brown has phytonutients that white one doesn’t. And according to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition bran oils lower LDL cholesterol.
White has a higher value of glycemic index comparing to brown one. GI according to Nutrition data means “numerical Index that ranks carbohydrates based on their rate of glycemic response” so higher values given to foods that cause the most rapid rise in blood sugar. The long grain white rice is very similar to brown rice.
In this study they have done a review for many studies on association between consumption of white rice, and the the risk of diabetes and they found that is really a high risk. However, this study found that eating white one with a side dish of vegetables can reduce the risk of diabetes.
There are many studies done on substituting white rice with brown one to see if it reduce glucose level. In this study they found that short term is not very effective, but this study ,and this one they found that it really did.
White is refined means they removed the outer hull which is make it smooth, and easy on your digestive system. Brown rice is harder to digest, because it has the bran, and other phtyonutrients that are not digestible, but that what makes it really healthy, and nutritious. And by proper cooking, and preparation you can make it easier to digest.
Brown has Phytates, which is a phytonutrient that’s is not digestible, and it do bind to minerals, so you can’t absorb them.On the other hand, white rice doesn’t have Phytates. But you should know that proper cooking may reduce phytate amounts.
According to Medical News Today Arsenic is a natural semi-metallic chemical that is found all over the world in groundwater. It is dangerous, and long consumption of it, is associated with chronic disease like cancer, and liver diseases. In consumer reports they found that brown rice is higher in Arsenic than white one. However, rinsing the rice thoroughly before soaking, and cooking will reduce the amount of arsenic. So you should do that whether you choose white or brown.
Availability and Cost
Brown rice costs almost the double price. And its less available due short life shelf. And not cover wide market. And when you find in the stores, its mostly organic, and that’s make the price even higher.
Who is the winner? Brown rice!
But as I always say, look at the whole picture! Yes, its healthier. But it may cause you disturbances in digestion, due to the presence of fiber, and phytonutrients. And its may not convenient for your budget. It all comes to the overall diet. Would you eat rice by itself only?What is the cooking method? What is your taste preference? How many times will you eat rice “Quantity”? But its worth it to try Brown Rice!
Have you tried brown rice? Did you like it?